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  • marykatetillinghas

Location #1 The Gymnasium

Updated: May 1, 2021

Video by: Mr. Edwin Burke


Summary of the story told below:

Below is a story from Mr. Edwin Burke on the gymnasium. He begins by pointing out the Athletic Hall of Fame and then gymnasium, which is adjacent to it. Upon his entrance, Mr. Burke notes the plaque above the gym, recognizing Mount's commitment to honorable competition. He goes on to further explain that the gym also serves as the place for Mount's wellness program. Mr. Burke also states that the gym has two full basketball courts and seating for one thousand people. While he continued to walk through the gym, he points out the athletic banners. Lastly, Mr. Burke notes that it also serves as a gathering space where Mount holds school liturgies, commencement, academic awards programs, and school concerts.


Closed Captioning for Video:

"As you enter Mount through the doors behind me, you come into our athletic center; this grand foyer is the Athletic Hall of Fame and then behind me are the door that enter our gymnasium. Notice on the walls above the doors is our commitment to honorable competition here at Mt. St. Charles Academy. The space that serves our athletic teams also serves our wellness program. We have the capability of two full basketball courts and seating for one thousand people. You notice hanging from the ceiling a number of banners recognizing the gifts and talents of our student athletes and coaches, and their commitment to Excelsior, which is the motto of Mt. St. Charles Academy. This space serves as many in our school, multiple functions, though primarily used for athletic competition and for student wellness. It also serves as a gathering space. We hold school liturgies. We have also held our school commencement and academic awards programs here, school concerts from our tremendous Fine Arts Program. We hope you have the opportunity to come to Mount and see some of the great things that happen in this space."


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